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It's 8:32 am. Too early, in my opinion, to be up doing anything. Nonetheless here I am, in this institution called high school, counting down the minutes until that penultimate bell rings at 2:32 pm, signaling my freedom for the day.

Now, lets get a few things straight here: I like school. I like to learn, and I like my teachers, and the kids here aren't too bad. The thing is,last night this thought occurred to me, and I haven't quite been able to shake it since.

What am I doing with my life?

That would seem simple enough to answer. I mean, every teenager at some point has to ask that questions, and, more often than not they are told that they don't need to make that decision now, and that there's plenty of time to think things through during their twenties. But I don't know; I seriously am having a bit of an existential crisis about it.

Because last night, whilst I was laying in bed, doing a face time sleepover with my bestfriend I started really thinking about it again. I want to become a psychiatrist, because I want to learn the causes and reasons why people act the way they do, and I want to help them. I had always figured I'd go to college, go to med school, do my residency, then I'd start my career. I'd have three children, and by the time I turn 40, my parents will probably need me to look after them, so I will do that, because my sister isn't capable of mentally handling all of that stress.

But then I also got to thinking about how all through life, we are put in a box. We're told that we must do well in school, so that by the time we're eighteen, we can advance to college where we will choose our careers, and our fates are decided. This all starts to happen roughly around the time you begin grade school, because when you're in kindergarten and pre k, everyone tells you you can be whatever you want, which obviously isn't true.

My point is, there's way too much pressure on young people to know exactly what they want to be by a certain time, that they blindly choose something, instead of genuinely thinking about their own happiness.

I thought about it, and I realized that if I continue going down this straight laced path, though I might be very successful, I won't be happy. I'll be stuck leading a sedentary, pathetic existence without doing any of the things that I used to tell myself I would do back when I didn't feel all the pressure of my future weighing down on me.

Ugh, I dunno....what do you guys think?
December 5th, 2012 at 03:09pm