To All Those Who Go To Concerts, I Need You

Now it would be a little annoying for me to go into detail about this project, but for an assessment, I have to give a speech on the dangers of concertgoing, and to support my point that it is infact something to be concerned about, I need some stories and a few little questions answered from people who go to/have been hurt at concerts. So if yall could be wonderful Mibbians, would you answer my questions for me? Answer some or all, just thed ones you want to, all of 'em, or the one that caught your eye.

1) How many shows have you been to? (1-10, 11-21, 21-40, 40+)

2) How often do you go to shows?

3) Are they usually GA (General Admission) or seated events?

4) Have you ever been hurt at a show? Stories please<3

5) How do you survive GA shows?

5 1/2) What genre of shows have the most dangerous crowds?
5 3/4) Are bouncers getting too pushy/aggressive?

6) Tips on concert virgins for surviving the pit?

So whore me some stories of battle wounds and mean bouncers and make me happy :)
I think the best one I've heard in a while was a crowd surfer got dropped, fell completely through my friend's backpack, then got stuck in it. My worst concert injury is front row Miss May I, I must've gotten kicked in the face 100 times, the bouncer stepped on my shoulder, and the guitar player smacked me in the forehead with his guitar.
December 5th, 2012 at 07:37pm