We live forever in the shadows.

There are a lot of things in life that you learn at a young age. Like how to walk, tie a shoe, count to ten, etc. And as you get older the problems become more defining. When will your time of the month be? Are you good enough to make the team? How hards that math test going to be? Everyone knows what I mean. As time passes, life gets harder. The decisions you make become more important. And everything you do has a consequence, whether it's good or bad. And it's hard. Especially being a teenager. For example,  "you want to come to my party?". Most teenagers would jump at that opportunity. But the smart ones would consider the outcomes. Will there be alcohol? Will there be smoking/drugs? What about sex? But whose there to tell you any of that stuff is bad, except for that little voice inside of you. But who wants to look "lame" and not go to a party? On the other hand, who wants to look "lame" being dragged off in handcuffs. Now you see what I'm talking about? Any decision you make will have a positive and a negative consequence. There's no way around it, there's no way to beat the system. Life is a cycle. You're happy, you're mad, you're angry, you're depressed, and then it starts over again. But why should we have to put up with that? Why can't we take control of our own lives and make them go the way we want? Or would that just make some people worse? Being able to choose what they do and who they do it with. You never know how your life could be if it changed, even just a little. So for now, we're stuck, forever young. Forever in the shadows of the choices that we make, living out our mistakes the best we can. But isn't that all life is?
December 6th, 2012 at 05:11am