Ideas & Thoughts - Tabletop Games + Story

Has anyone played any tabletop games? I have. Currently pondering, thinking, wondering, planning, scheming, about how to make my own. I've already looked into moulding and casting, but the designing of the model I believe will need more than just looking into.

Ordered some green putty (Games Workshop brand) and wire. I have already worked out the races etc, but a lot of the game planning itself still escapes me. I want something that you need strategy for. Having numerous models will of course be advantagous if you're just charging in (wry smile for those who like to abandon the finer details of strategy and charge straight in), but for those who have fewer models, there should be ways to still bring your opponent to depths of defeat.

So, yes, I'm currently running over things in my mind, jotting down ideas, tactics, skills, etc. Though that is a big concern for me, the main concern still is the sculpting. Sure, in days past I could have crudely sculpted models and still people would love them. Now, competition is fierce. It's not just about the game. The models need to look brilliant too. I was talking to spacejunkie the other day and said why I hadn't played the tabletop game Warhammer, but have played 40k and LOTR. Want to know? Because I feel the models are too bulky and... just ergh. I need to be visually pleased as well as mentally stimulated.

Well, I can only home my creative spark does not cause me more trouble as it steers me into this daring task :P

Just thought I'd remind everyone that it's the 2nd week since releasing War on the Wind. It's a tale about Captain Robert, who must overcome difficulties as life seems to turn against him. This original story see's battles, friendships, tragedy, betrayal, and more. Please click the title above if you wish to read it, and don't forget to leave feedback :)
December 9th, 2012 at 09:16pm