Why must you come back into my life?

So I haven't talked to this guy since April. The whole reason we stopped talking is because he was being a hypocrite. I had told my friends about a couple things he said and he flipped shit when he found out, and the whole reason it pissed me off was because he had told his one friend he wanted to see me naked. I didn't flip on him when he told me that. But anyways.
So we hadn't talked since April. He sends me a message on Facebook saying, "Stay a virgin." What? What? Why are you sending me this? I mean, not that I wouldn't anyways. But beside the point. I asked him why he was telling me that and he's all, "Idk." Then he goes on to say he missed me and then he had me text him. I texted him.
Yeah. Probably stupid. We'll probably eventually stop talking again, but oh well. He knows how I am and that he sometimes pisses me off. He knows I'm not the kind that plays into bullshit. When he asks for something and I say no, he starts going, "Maybe I just want you and only you." LOL. When he told me that before, my bullshit radar went off. No. No. He's a man whore. I'm sorry. But no. But if he starts being an asshole again, I'm telling him to not talk to me until he gets his shit figured out. There's times he can be nice and there's times he can be an ass. But oh well. I think he thinks I'm going to play into whatever he says, but no. I'm not that naïve. Urgh.

And then I've been bored all weekend because J's been working. And he works until 11 tonight. Damn. And I've told J about the guy above before, and I told him about it when he sent me that message this morning. I like J, not the above guy who we're going to call D. I've never liked D. Never. He's thinks he's the greatest thing on earth, and he's not. But anyways.

So I was baking cookies earlier and I know I need to start dinner soon since it's 6:00, but oh well.

Later, Mibbians <3
December 10th, 2012 at 12:05am