December 9, 2012

It’s been almost a month since I gave you guys an update on here (oops) sorry!! So what’s new in the life of me? I finished NaNoWriMo! Woooo! I hit 50,000 words in thirty days and my book has only 9 chapters left until it’s finished :] I’m super excited about that and hope to have it done early in the new year. Yeesh, can you believe we’re already in the tail end of 2012? It feels like just yesterday we were all freaking out about the impending doom as broadcast by the Mayans or Aztecs or whatever that nonsense was. As we all know, the only important thing about December is THE HOBBIT COMES OUT THIS FRIDAY AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! Time to return to the shire :’)

Okay, in story-related news, as you may or may not have noticed I’ve started my Inception story based on Arthur because Joseph Gordon-Levitt is literally the bane of my existence and a life ruiner and genuinely perfect and I am in love with him. I mean, what? Sorry. So yeah, Inception story on the go, I still have about 8 or 9 chapters left of my Hannibal story, and when those are both done, there are two new things planned. The first, I’m going to try and start that Jack Sparrow sequel that I planned forever ago because apparently people actually want to read it ;__;. Number two, I sincerely doubt many if any of you will be reading it but I’m going to be writing a story based on the Assassin’s Creed character of Altair because I am crazy and in love with him and my soulmate coerced me into doing it. Really. It’s all her fault.

Anyways that’s what’s new and what’s coming up so subscribe and stay tuned and I hope you enjoy this nonsense that I continue to write!
December 10th, 2012 at 02:29am