People amaze me sometimes.

Everyone has issues with stereotypes. I get it. I do. I have issues with the show Jersey Shore because it irritates me, but hey, I know people who love that show. I may not love a show, but seriously, I'm not gonna say you can't watch it.
Apparently MTV is coming out with the new show, Buck Wild. Apparently, a senator from West Virginia thinks the show is wrongly showing a stereotype.
As follows:
“As a U.S. Senator, I am repulsed at this business venture, where some Americans are making money off of the poor decisions of our youth,” Manchin wrote. “I cannot imagine that anyone who loves this country would feel proud profiting off of ‘Buckwild.’” “Instead of showcasing the beauty of our people and our state, you preyed on young people, coaxed them into displaying shameful behavior — and now you are profiting from it. That is just wrong.” “This show plays to ugly, inaccurate stereotypes about the people of West Virginia,” he said. “Let me tell you: People have given their all for this great country. They’ve done the heavy lifting to produce the energy that is needed to produce the steel that builds our factories and cities,” he wrote. “The proud veterans of our state have shed more blood and made more sacrifices than most other states to keep America free.”
Good Lord have mercy. You've got to be kidding me. Of course not everyone in West Virginia is fucking rednecks. But seriously. I'm sure the ones who are are hilarious to watch though. My thing is, you're okay with Jersey Shore (probably) showcasing those people in the wrong light, but you're not okay with them doing this in West Virginia?
I'm a redneck. Shit. I've done stupid things with my family. My family's from West Virginia and Tennessee. My friends call me a hick all the time, and I'm okay with that.
My other problem. Using the word 'coaxing'. I doubt these people needed coaxing to do what they're doing on the show.
Anyways. I find the idea of this show interesting and I hope they air it. I want to see this because it looks hilarious. I'm sure even I can relate to this show, which is what I love. But hey. To each their own. But damn it, if you don't like the show or the idea of it, DON'T WATCH IT. CHANGE THE CHANNEL.
December 10th, 2012 at 11:11pm