Hello, My Mibba Blog.

Haven't seen you in a while. 6 months, has it been? Wow, I didn't think that much time had past.

It's my fault for this, I know. I haven't felt like posting anything here. You aren't like my other blogs, where either no one reads it, or there isn't anything of really depth or importance that I'm concerned about others reading.

But I've decided to come back, at least from time to time. I need somewhere to talk in depth about writing-related topics, and things like them. Yeah, I could do it on Tumblr. But I don't want to. It just ain't the same. Besides, isn't that what you are for, dear MB? (Do you mind if I call you that? No? Okay then.)

So, then, MB, let's catch up a little. Remember how in my last journal I was trying to decided what I should do about a couple of my stories? Well, even if you don't, I'll tell you what I decided to do about them.

For the first I mentioned, the fanfic, I 'archived' what I had, or put it off to the side. The heart wasn't there. And the second one, the original one, I haven't posted, either, but then I've barely touched it, so it's probably good that I haven't! *smiles briefly from an inward chuckle*

But that's not to say I haven't worked on or posted anything. I posted this not too long ago, and I have plans to share a few more things. But hey, I'm just glad I've been writing! =)

Now let's see, what else can I tell you about? How about the snow we got yesterday? I heard that somewhere they got 16-18 inches, but it's varying around the state. So all I know is that we got a lot. X-)

With that, I guess that's it for now. I'll try to make sure I come see you sooner. I have other things to talk about, but now is not the time. So farewell for now, MB. It was nice "talking to you again." ^_^

-- Lullaby;

(PS: If this was choppy or anything, I'm sorry. It is, after all, 11:20pm here. :P)
December 11th, 2012 at 06:25am