Have an story to tell let me help make it heard...

I am starting this new blog/podcast like Tumblr that will essentially compile a bunch of people's submissions whether it be a story or a journal entry or a piece of art ect... Basically I will compile similar stories together and once a week I will create a mini podcast that I will post on the sight along with each of the stories submitted and the links to their individual pages. I've been getting a lot of positive responses from Quizilla and I thought that I would branch out to a different site since I know this site is filled with writers, as it is a creative writing site hahaha.

So if anyone would be interested or has a question about what exactly is going to be posted on the site I will leave a few links. First off if you have a submission send it to livesthatcollide@gmail.com. You can leave any comments you want to be added, where you wan to be linked, ect... If you want to look at the blog, its still in the making but the link is http://livesthatcollide.tumblr.com/ if you want to see it. You can also message or comment here on my mibba if you have submissions or questions. Just to be clear all work submitted will be properly documented unless the writer wants to be anonymous.

Thanks for listening,
Evangeline Lockson

PS I hope to get some responses soon :)
December 11th, 2012 at 07:37am