Introduce All the Things! Or Just Myself.

My previous blog-entry-whatever the hell you call them, was a tiny bit of ranting. I have decided to be more calm and elegant with the words I use.
Or not.
My life simply consists of weird but lovable friends, bad writer's block on 6 out of the 7 days of the week, and playing Minecraft.
And rage-quitting. Every. Single. Goddamn. Thing.
That's beside the point. Not really sure what the point of this blog is actually, I suppose it's for letting off steam.
Fuck that, I'm gonna let off goddamn thick smoke.
Who came up with that, steam? Steam is refreshing and steam-punk and good tea and off track!
I do love good tea though.
Introductions, right.
So, this is a let's play.. Why must RoosterTeeth overtake my life?
Bad enough I can't sleep. Ever. I have to quote RoosterTeeth everywhere! What has that company done to me?
Enhanced my life, that's one thing.
Point, I am Jess.
Rage quit this entry!
December 13th, 2012 at 12:58pm