But it's only 14/12/2012!

In the past year I've made a name for myself at school, very few people know that it is in fact not true, these people are the people who I joked about it with and have ever since. The name that was created is not a particularly nice one. Basically I'm apparently a whore.

In a previous blog entry I wrote about what happened to me during a certain week (http://www.mibba.com/Blogs/Read/290533/What-happened-to-me-during-the-27th-January-to-the-5th-February/ I suggest you read it before going on with the rest of the blog). But the basic gist is - I went skiing in Italy, sat next to a boy, misheard a question and said "Yes", turns out the question was "do you love so-and-so", sat next to some other boys, said "Do you know I'm good with my hands?" when I wasn't in a right state of mind and that's how I received my name. Because of this name I have only had people make advances on me in the past year. Let me tell you if the only love you receive is from unwanted gropes you will feel incredibly lonely, it is not a feeling that is nice, it feels like rejection and has made me want to stop everything I do and just sit in a corner and cry.

This is the exact reason why I've made my New Year's Resolution's early.
1. I'm going to clear my name (hopefully I don't do it again when I go to London)
2. I'm going to get rid of the empty void feeling I have, by making friends give me more love (which I've been receiving a lot lately, they're in the Christmas spirit)
3. I'm going to do the resolution I set out to do this year!
4. I'll start doing more things! These means my Youtube Channel will start receiving videos once again and this page will begin receiving stories once again

So, reflect now on the bad things of this year and try to fix them, because if you don't do anything, nothing will happen. To get you must first give.
December 15th, 2012 at 12:36am