Studying with "David"

So, if you read my last blog, you know that last weekend I went to this amazing guy, "David"'s house to study. When I got there everything seemed normal. He hugged me and we joked around and everything was cool. Then, conversation turned to "Chris". When David told me what Chris had told him, I wanted to curl up in a corner and cry until the end of time. I found out that Chris said all of these horrible FALSE things about me, but what really surprised me is that David seemed genuinely upset about some of the things that were said. He told me that Chris was being a pretentious douche bag lately and he didn't even like being around him anymore. David did ask me if the things were true, which obviously they weren't, but the way he asked made me realize that he already knew. I guess he just wanted me to trust him, and I completely do. After we studied for a few hours, he asked me if I wanted to go ice skating with him and his sister since he was being forced to go. Of course I said yes. We're going tomorrow, so hopefully I'll let you know how that goes. All comments are much appreciated <3
December 15th, 2012 at 01:44am