I legit have no friends. Not online, not in real life, not anywhere.

That's basically what I feel like, anyways. I'm unliked in real life and on the internet, and for what reason? It's all because of what happened in 7th grade. People just won't let it go. Even though my Mom says it 'doesn't matter' who likes you or who says what about you, it really does. It hurts when people don't like you and try their damnedest to never cross paths with you because of something that went down almost 5 years ago....Even people who didn't even know me in 7th grade don't like me because of what they heard! It's fucking stupid and it hurts me very, very badly. I've changed and moved on, so why can't they?

My Mom also says that I need to be 'happy being by myself', which is utter bullshit. Who wants to have no fucking friends to speak of and be alone all of the time? I sure as Hell don't. It gets lonely quite often. Nobody calls me, nobody IM's me, nobody wants to hang out with me, and nobody WANTS to. That's what hurts the most - not the fact that I don't have friends - people don't wanna try to be my friend, because they think I'm 'freaky' or 'weird' or what the fuck ever. I WOULD LOVE TO HAVE AT LEAST ONE GODDAMN ACQUAINTANCE. JUST ONE WOULD BE NICE. But that will never ever happen. I'll just need to get used to being alone; it'll take some time to acclimate.
December 15th, 2012 at 08:30pm