I guess some of us need a new start...

When you turn 16 (or any other age) I guess you look back at yourself and realise.... "God I'm getting older"!

You work out everything you whined about in the past... probably wasn't worth it...
You STILL don't put your head down and work you're socks off because you've found something more interesting or would rather update your status on that swanky new iphone :)

But most of all you work out... maybe you should start a new and write a pros and cons list

For example...

- Nice job with some lovely guys in a comic book store (we're not all sweaty nerds I have you know)
- Friends, you're finally getting there and making some :D
-Nice underwear. With all that new money a girl has to treat herself whether she's dating or not.
-Batman. Is hot.
-School... Passing English, maths AND science!
-Laptop. For "school" purposes

-Work. Soooo long.
-Boys. Don't even look your way... maybe you shouldn't of dated them three years ago as now they don't like you that way.
-No money for cool things. Sorry peeps... that sexy iphone is all a part of my imagination.
-That two year gap year. Yeah.... remember when you talked to NO ONE for like 2010 and 2011?!

Overall... Some people work out that yeah... what you whined about last year doesn't matter... but next year... this pros and cons list will sound childish as well :P
December 15th, 2012 at 09:37pm