My father was so nice today | What makes you wanna read a story?

Yesterday I got upset at my father because he agreed that gays should be killed just for being gay.

A few minutes ago, he was really nice to me. Like, he was asking me if I was okay, and he had a little smile on his face which is really rare. My father hardly talks to me okay? When he's going to work he doesn't say later or bye, and when he's coming home he's just like 'What's up' and I'll be like 'Nothing' and that'll be it.

So I think it's safe to say that he feels shitty for what he said. Which is good, it shows he has a heart.

Now, I've been thinking if anyone else is as hard to please as me. I have no set criteria as to what stories I like to read, the possibilites are endless so it's just what I stumble upon. But I see some stories on mibba with lots of comments and subs and I'm thinking whoa this story might be REALLY good.

But 99% of the time if I find the first chapter is too long, too boring or if the layout isn't appealing (sorry I'm one of those people lmao) then I probably won't continue. Which sucks because I think I've skipped through many a great story before. But I just can't lol.

What gets you hooked on a story? Tell me please? I'm curious :)

Shameless whoring just because:
Leaves in Abandon
Diary of an Idiot
We are but Corpses
December 17th, 2012 at 10:38pm