I'm a Regular Agony Aunt!

I rather like helping my friends with problems.
In New Zealand, there is a programme called PSSP which helps people and gives them advice on what to do.
You may have gathered from that that I am a part of it.
I try to help my friends with whatever they're facing, with relationships, questions about themselves, needing to know how to get an achievement in a game. I genuinely try to be helpful.
A few months ago I (partially, played a small part) defused a big argument between my two best-friends, and I think it helped me grow as a person and my ability to stay calm in tense situations.
I just wonder sometimes, am I really doing all I can do to help them? An I doing enough? I feel that I should be doing more, helping more, but then it'll seem like I'm trying too hard.
Bleh. I hate my brain. Why is it so responsible?
I truly love giving advice, but I feel like I'm not qualified to give it out. I give advice on relationships, but I can't say I've ever been in a serious one. I give advice in confidence in the body image, but I think I look like crap all the time. What makes me qualified to talk about this stuff with other people when I'm lying to myself?
That being said, maybe I should take my own advice. Live a little, give more hugs, act like it's my last day.
With the 21st of December 2012 coming up, it's a possibility.
(Calmly,) rage quit this entry!
December 18th, 2012 at 11:46am