ok so I just wanted to write this because I have been sort of dealing with this a bit recently.

The other day I was with my close friend who has just sort of come out (by sort of I mean he's told about 20 people but has no intention of ever telling his parents) as bi, and we were talking about the instance of homosexuality where we live. I argued that it's honestly everywhere, it's just that people don't realise. Unfortunately he then asked me to go through my male Facebook friends and tell him which ones were either gay or bi. Of the 33 (yes 33, I go to an all girls' school and have next to no social life, we can all stop laughing now) I worked out that an alarming 23 of them were either gay or bi.

Don't get me wrong. I have no problem with it. If I had a problem with it, obviously I wouldn't talk to them (and would probably hate myself for being such a bigoted arsehole) but even to me with my basic inexperience, that feels like a fairly ridiculously high number. And the real question came when my friend said "you are literally the biggest fag hag in the world".

Personally, I'm not really offended. I don't really care if my friends are in to guys, girls or squirrels (ok I might draw the line at squirrels) because I would love them just the same, and to me the term 'fag hag' just sort of represents a more disappointing prospect for my love life than anything else. But are people actually offended by that? And should I be?

This is the third time I've been called one, and look, it's probably true. But something about the phrasing feels sort of... abrasive to me.

so, questions
1. Have you ever been called a fag hag?
2. Do you think it's offensive?
3. Keen for Christmas?

Personally, I'm looking forward to it. Christmas morning is my favourite time of year, and after having a pretty shit 12 months I'm sort of looking forward to that warmth.
December 19th, 2012 at 06:32am