500 readers and 2 comments?

Okay, I've come to the conclusion that I'm not going to beg for comments, I shouldn't have to. But when you happen to notice that over 500 people have read your last update and then realize that only 2 people took the few seconds it takes to make a comment... you start to wonder about things.

People have no problems finding their fingers and writing you messages asking for you to update, but when you do, do they take the time to comment? No. And I get it, I really do, if there are updates all the time, you kind of run out of things to say.

The whole reason I decided to post what I write online was because I thought I might get some feedback, see if my ideas are any good or if I should stick to my day job and not waste my time. I'm starting to think that I should stick with the latter since.

I just wish there was somewhere where I could write and make sure that the handful of regular people who take the time to subscribe, recommend and comment could read the updates and everyone else not be allowed to view it. It might sound mean, but its the same with everything. If a musical artist releases an album and no one buys it choosing to download it illegally for free, why should they record another one? If a writer don't sell any books, why would a publisher print another one?

Its 3 am and I can't sleep so this is probably half the reason why I'm on here ranting about this, lack of sleep does crazy things to me, but so does making an effort for people who specifically ask for you to sit down and write an update and then choose to ignore the fact that you took the time to write, edit and post.

End of rant...
December 19th, 2012 at 08:51am