Why Did He Leave Me??

He took a ride one foggy day and promised to come back. As weeks strolled by I was becoming more and more depressed, I called once I called him twice. He never did pick up, one day I got a voice mail from him it said, "Halie I won't be back for I while I'm sorry I can't tell you this to your face but when you get this call me back 'cuz I still love you. Remember love is a river is twist and turns and hurts you bad but on your boat you don't feel so sad. Call me when you this love you C.J." I listened to it ten million times but I never called him back, months went by and now two years later I still cry when I hear him call. I know he wants to talk but I can't let him in my heart for the boat will sink and I will die. All I ever wanted was to see him again but his sweet face moved far away to the Kentucky moon. I will love him forever but why did he leave me?

December 19th, 2012 at 04:28pm