Class Blogging and Free Apples

So I came in at the wonderful time of 11:20ish today instead of showing up at 7:25 when I was actually supposed to. Why? Well that's a different story, but it involves getting everyone to stop talking to me because they were mad by 9 a.m.

And when I sauntered in to my classroom, the teachers were giving out apples. No rhyme or reason really, Mrs. D and Mrs. D (bad planning on the school's part putting both Mrs. Ds in the same class to co-teach) just set a bag of apples out on their desk, and offered them out to the class. I don't know why, but I found it kind of nice even though I hate apples.

I don't know, I'm done blogging. Byee Mibbians, we'll talk later.
December 20th, 2012 at 06:00pm