Holy crow-fish, Batman!

I don't even have a legitimate response for that; sorry Robin.

Anywho, it's December and T-minus three and a half days until Christm--- Oh wait! That's right. The world ended today huh? No wonder it's been so hot! I guess Hell isn't so bad... Free wifi and cable, snack bar; it's pretty cool. I wanna go poke some fun at some devils later - who's with me?

No one? Oh, okay. That's cool too I guess.

All joking aside, I need to throw an ad out here:

I'm in need of a part time beta reader!
You need to be okay with any content (smut, language, weird ages, friked up anatomy, etc.) and any fandom (Homestuck, ROTG, Freakazoid!, etc.) and be available whenever because I honestly have no set dates for writing. Like, ever.

Reason I say part-time is because, if you haven't noticed, I don't write a whole awful lot. And when I do, I tend to make a lot of mistakes. Mm-hmm. Oh, and I tend to get several boots thrown at me for venting too much? I know; doesn't make too much sense but hey. Whatever.

TL;DR: (does this even count for not even two whole paragraphs?)
Need part-time beta reader. Needs to be okay with any and every thing. Message me. Go.

Also (on a semi-unrelated topic), does anyone know how to achieve smooth lines in Manga Studio Debut 4? (I use Vista btw.) Or is pretty much all hope lost for me until I can find a more suitable computer? /falls/

Now onto something really irrelevant; Rise of the Guardians. I haven't ranted about it here yet, so I'll get it out of my system by saying it was one of the best things since sliced bread. If you have the money, go see it. Just. Go. It's worth the time and money. It's funny, sentimental, scary, and sad at the same time. And even if Tooth or Sandy is your favorite character, there is no way you can't love Jack. Everyone go home.

Okay, well then, seeing as I'm just pretty much talking to myself over here, I think I'll stop the shenanigans now.

Everyone have a Happy/Merry Whatever-the-heck-you-celebrate and an awesome New Year! :)
December 22nd, 2012 at 05:25am