I do things because I love them.

I'm so sick of everyone accusing me of doing things just to make myself look good. Like my ukelele for instance. Everyone told me that I got a ukelele so I would seem cooler than everyone else. No. I got a ukelele so I could learn to play it. Same as my keyboard, and my singing. Also, I tend to volunteer at our local clothing closet, and still people say I do it to make me look good. No. That's to help people who can't help themselves. And my instruments are because music is a passion of my, just like writing is. So think next time you accuse someone of putting on show. It hurts.
Also, I just put up a cover of hallelujah on YouTube. It would mean the world to me if some of you would go and watch? It doesn't show me how many viewers so if you do watch, like or dislike it and if you have time, I'd be so grateful if you'd leave a comment? Here's the link; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vh4fa0zouVI&feature=youtube_gdata_player
Love always and forever,
December 24th, 2012 at 04:36am