From Now On...

So, I've been thinking for a little while now that I'm going to finish a story before I start a new one because I keep forgetting to update the stories that I already have started and then I don't update them for months or longer and that's not fair to the reader's. So, just a simple note to let everyone know that I will be updating one story at a time until it is finished, maybe two stories at a time. We'll see.

The stories that i intend to finish among the first ones are: Another Romance Story, Seize The Day, Highland Traveler and Jealousy. It most likely won't be in that order and/or very soon, but I'm going to try to to get them updated and finished as soon as possible because I have many ideas for new stories, but I would like to get these stories finished up first.

On a side note..................

December 24th, 2012 at 07:52pm