Breaking the Rules

Soooo... Basically, I'm breaking the rules by being online right now. On my laptop.

See, I'm not really supposed to have Internet on my laptop, my crappy laptop at that, but I couldn't resist getting online and typing a blog entry while watching my favorite show, The Vampire Diaries. :]

Soooo... This is just so interesting, isn't it? Umm... give me a minute and I'll think about something to write about.

Oh! I know! I'll talk about my boyfriend. XD

So, his name is [INSERT NAME HERE]. XD I had you going there, didn't I? We've been going out for almost two months, starting the 5th of January. (Close enough.) He's seventeen, and a junior, but he may graduate this year if he can get a job or go to a trade school. :( I'll miss him, but I really want to see him succeed in life. And I know that that will be the right path for him.

I wish someone would tell me whether or not I'm making the right decision. If maybe I should be a little selfish and not want him to leave me.

Oh, who am I kidding? I'm the worst girlfriend ever for even considering being selfish like that, and he's been so sweet to me.

I just don't want him to leave me, especially this early on in our relationship. I feel clingy.

But I want him to soar, reach his full potential. He doesn't want to go to college, at least he's not telling me if he wants to. I don't care if he doesn't want to go to college, he'll get a good paying job without it. I'm just worried that his plans won't work out the way he wants them to. He really wants to get a job at Kroger. I'm trying to help him like a good, supportive girlfriend, but sometimes that becomes difficult.

Why is it so hard to do the right thing?

I wish he would just tell me what he wants. I need to know what he wants so that I can help him and be supportive. I just want him to be happy.

Maybe I shouldn't get involved. It's probably none of my business.

God, I'm so conflicted! I want to help him, but at the same time I don't want to pressure him into telling me what he really wants.

I told our mutual friend, my gator, that he may be graduating this year. She really doesn't want to see him go either.

Let's switch the subject. Umm... I'm hungry. And thirsty. I could go for a hot chocolate, and some Reese's. Mmm... That'd hit the spot.

I really should've thought this through. I'm writing a pointless blog that will probably get nothing but hate, and all because I was bored. God, I need a life.

I'll be going to my grandma's for New Year's. We're having a New Year's Eve party. :) Not sure what we're going to do, but if it's anything like last year then it'll be awesome.

Well, I'm done. ^.^
December 28th, 2012 at 03:21am