I Swear to God That the Perfect Guy Doesn't Exist.

My romantic experiences have always been, half-hearted, you could say. I've had maybe two serious relationships, one repetitive, one one-time-fling, but I find myself wanting to combine the two.
The repetitive guy is one I keep going back for, he's funny, he's cute (to me), but he's not spontaneous and appreciative of me like the fling was.
The fling was spontaneous, passionate, and just amazing.
But the repetitive guy is the one that somehow keeps wanting me. For some unknown reason.
Can't I just combine the two, and live happily ever after?
Bleh. I'd say my perfect guy would be Steven Strait looks, from The Covenant, because let's face it, he's hot. He would be appreciative, funny, good at HALO so I'd have someone to do multiplayer Campaign with, and skilled in the kissing department.
I beseech my friends to find me that guy. Seriously. Hook me up.
Although, if they are reading this, I'm so totally fucked.
But I digress. Maybe when I'm older I'll find him. Because right now, I don't think I'm really ready for a relationship. I'm only 16, and I have plenty of time for that sort of stuff later.
Besides, I'm too busy fangirling most of the time over RoosterTeeth, or Loki, or any hot guy that I have no chance with.
Maybe the perfect guy does exist. But I'll wait.
I'm really impatient though.
Rage quit this entry!
December 28th, 2012 at 03:00pm