Betaing and a needed opinion.

I cannot get Skyway Avenue by We The Kings out of my head. It's on this constant loop. Talk about a nuisance.

I'm on the hunt for a beta.

Specifically a beta for my newest fic, Dreaming With A Broken Heart. It is a fanfiction, but I don't think it's necessary that a prospective beta be interested in the fandom, as it's mostly a review of grammar and sentence structure that I'm focused on.

So if anyone is remotely interested in betaing for me, shoot me a message? The only payment I can offer is my utmost respect, gratitude and love. And maybe a puppy or something. Who knows?

I also have a question.

About two years ago, I was working on this co-write with another user on this site. We only got about twelve chapters into the fic when we both lost interest or inspiration or whatever. I've read through the fic the other day and I was suddenly hit with a bunch of ideas to start it over and take it in a completely different direction.

Now the user who co-wrote it with me doesn't seem to be active on this site anymore. Nonetheless, I wrote her a message telling her what I've told you - of my new ideas for the story, offering to pick up the co-write again or asking for permission to run with it myself (of course, giving her credit where it is due).

My question is this: if she doesn't get back to me after, say, a week, do you think I should respect what we've created and leave it alone? Or incorporate my new ideas without her input? The last thing I want to do is offend anyone in anyway.

Any input would be greatly appreciated.

breaking faces

I was kidding about the puppy.
December 29th, 2012 at 07:37pm