Question: Are we allowed to put links in stories

I know you can put them in the Author's note, but I'm not sure if we can actually put them in the story. I'm not sure if that rule has changed. But I was just wondering because I know we weren't allowed to before. I'm writing a story and I wanted to put a link but I don't want to get reported for it. But, yeah, that's pretty much it.

Also, free reads...AGAIN!

So leave the story names you'd like me to check out in the comments and I will do so. And if you're super bored you can check out my story Just Break Me. It's dedicated to the people affected by the Newtown Shooting and also to anyone who's ever lost someone. It's a one shot so it's not long. But yeah, leave stories and poems and whatever in the comments, I will check them out!

I've deleted a bunch of my stories. :o And I'm thinking about re-writing I Never Told You What I do for a Living because looking back, I was filled with ideas but not that good of a writer. And it seems like a stupid story now. So, look forward to that. A lot of the ones I deleted had many comments and subscribers, but they were pretty cliche and just...very old. I didn't even finish most of them. I had like two chapters and then started a new one. So, sorry if you were subscribed to one of my stories and I deleted it. :(

I'm gonna start a lot of them over with different plots. I just want to make them seem matured and...better. So, yeah.
December 29th, 2012 at 08:45pm