Wow... Anyone remember me?

So... It's been how long since I've been on here? Almost a year maybe?
I'm sorry. I am so, so, so sorry to all of my readers... if I still have any that is...
It's kind of weird how you, not forget, but... get distracted from the things you love.
I'm not going to bull shit here and say "Oh I was busy, oh school, oh work, oh friends, oh life, oh boyfriend (lol, jk. I don't have one...)" blah-de-blah. No, I'm going to be up front and say I got distracted and some how writing had slipped away from me. Even the GazettE some how slipped away a bit...
BUT! In no way what so EVER did I stop loving the GazettE, oh no they are still a huge part of me and I am still a cra cra fan girl, no question on that. Just writing and the GazettE have some how fallen into the back of my mind for the past how many months now.
I suppose the reason why I've neglected writing and being on here is because I have been so focused on my school and friends. It's my last year of high school and I'm working my ass off now, and I've been pretty busy with my friends as well. Pretty much my life has been school, part-time job, friends, parties, so on and so fourth. I've just been making the best out of my last year of high school. And although this may sound like an excuse I know it's not and I am aware of it. I COULD have been writing on my free days (which I still have a lot of) and I COULD have been popping in and out of here every once in a while. I just haven't.
But now I want to stop that. I have finally seemed to have found my writing muse again and I have some how re-fallen in love the the GazettE once again. Within saying this though that does not mean I am going to promise anything like updating every second day (I'm am still a procrastinator, lets be honest) and don't get your hopes up on My Little Girl being updated any time soon (but just to make it clear IT HAS NOT BEEN DISCONTINUED! I love that story far to much).

I just wanted to say that I am back.
...If anyone cares that is...
...I'm probably talking to myself now...
December 31st, 2012 at 12:03am