My hopes are so high that your kiss might kill me, so won't you kill me?

Sunday December 30, 2012
7:03 pm

Things have actually been so great lately. I really only have God to thank. I have been so happy. Like, even when the depression and sadness starts to set in, I am able to push it away, which is something I have never been able to do before. Just recently, I've really been getting myself right with God, and I am absolutely loving it. I am so thankful for where I am and that he has put me here.
There is a boy, too. He's so cute and sweet. He's awkward, and it is so adorable. He loves great music and God, and he's so funny. I really hope he doesn't get bored with me, because I really like having him around. I've been praying over it, just so that I know that whatever happens is for the best. I really want him around, though.
My best friend has been sick all week. It's her Christmas break, and it's almost over. I haven't seen her since Christmas Eve, and it's been so weird and sad. It's really made me realize how close we are.
Last night, I hung out with one of my best friends and her old friends from high school. The girls were nice and stuff, but it was just sort of awkward. They aren't really my type of people, I guess.
Well, I'm getting ready to go meet a friend for tea. I think I'll read a bit from my bible before. I don't know, man, God is just really awesome.
December 31st, 2012 at 02:10am