I'm going to make a blog about the Westboro Baptist Church, and I hope you'll all follow it.

Okay, not really, but before you leave-

I don't like the Westboro Baptist Church. At all. But I'm not going to sit here and bash them.

Instead, I was thinking of doing something completely different.

Called the Eastboro Baptist Church.

What is this? It's something I thought of tonight, during dinner, while my family and I were talking about WBC.

It's not a real church, no. Instead, I was thinking of making a (Tumblr) blog dedicated to love. Straight love, gay love, lesbian love. Just love in general, since that's something they seem to hate. It wouldn't have anything explicit, such as penises or vaginas. Just love.

So if I made it, would anyone actually follow it? Just some thoughts.
December 31st, 2012 at 05:58am