Happy New Years, baby, you owe me the best gift I could ever ask for.

Monday December 31, 2012
2:20 pm

It's New Years Eve. It feels different this year, but in a good way. I'm spending it with my family, mostly because I'm awful at parties and I actually think my family is pretty cool. I feels so weird that a few years ago, I would have been at a party. I'm so different now, and I'm actually really beginning to love who I am.
2012 was a little rough, but it got really great here at the end. I am so excited to see what 2013 has in store, because at the rate I'm going right now, it has to be amazing, whatever it is. I know that I will be immensely blessed, and I am so thankful for that.
I had a dream last night that I was with this kid's boyfriend and my best friend Paige, and we were going to see All Time Low, but it was at this little place here in my town, and there weren't even that many people there. We were very front row and Alex and Jack came out and their heads were shaved, but in the next part of the dream, they had hair. And I almost got into a fist fight with this girl who was being obnoxious, and then a car came from no where behind the stage, and knocked Jack into the crowd. Only like four of us girls stayed with him until someone came to help, and I just remember the rest of the dream, no one really knew if he was going to be okay, and it was like, the scariest thing ever.
I really hope he's being safe tonight. If anything ever happened to him, I just don't know.
Oh, and the boy I wrote about yesterday is still around, and he's actually so great. I hope he sticks around for 2013.
December 31st, 2012 at 09:25pm