New Years Wants

I hope that whatever happens this year I will be happy. It's not exactly a typical resolution, I guess. I just wish to become more content with my life and not to want to cry often in the slightest. I'm going to continue to do my best in school. I've always put a lot of effort in my studies. I think this year I've learned to not stress and continue to do my best. I've done a pretty good job so far. I'm learning to trust God in that everything will be fine as long as I work hard. I would like to be more confident with my driving. I want to continue working with kids. I also think I need to lower my expectations of people. Expectations usually bring disappointments. I'm not going to expect my old friends to want to stay friends, and I'm going to try to just let that go. I also hope that this year I will eat better and exercise more…like everyone else hopes for themselves. I get to be so sedentary during the winter, but I need to get over the cold. I also think I should read more.
I've been enjoying reading books for fun, which I used to hate doing when I was little. Maybe I'll read some Jane Austen like my mother; she really would love that. Of course, I've been rereading the twilight books during my winter break ever since I got the books for Christmas. I just get so warped in imagining a different world, sometimes even wishing I was in it. I really should read more often. When I read, I forget about my own life and get entranced in something else. It's kind of nice. Not to say that my life is bad. It's actually pretty good! I just have a pessimistic outlook, but I'm hoping I'll be able to change that. After I reread the Twiligh series, I’ll probably reread the 2nd Hunger Games book and then read the 3rd one for the first time. Then I’ll attempt to read some of Jane Austen’s works. I think reading enjoyable books will ease my stress level during the semester. I normally just read during school breaks, but maybe I’ll try reading during the semester too. Anyway those are my strange thoughts for the new year, more like a ramble on school and how I should read fun things to lessen my stress but whatever.
December 31st, 2012 at 11:49pm