Scout's Honor

Lately, I have been really low, which is why I couldn’t write the second chapter of The Rules. But I got it written and now so many lovely people have read it and I’m a happy man now.

I’m working on the third chapter. And afterward, I think I’ll run it by my beta. So maybe a week, tops. I should have it. It shouldn’t take two months this time. Scout’s honor.

I don’t know why I’m saying scout’s honor. I was never a scout. I don’t think I ever will be. They don’t take kindly to gays in those parts.

And plus, I’d have to do dangerous things, like go outside and whittle.

What the fuck is whittling, anyway? Isn’t that something one dose with sticks? I think I’d make a shank. It’s dangerous walking alone at night. But I don’t think I should at all because if I made one, I’d go looking for trouble just to have an excuse to use it.

Which is pretty much why I can’t join the Boy Scouts. That and because I’ve read horror stories about what they do to feminine boys at camp.

Actually, I don’t know if they count as horror stories so much as they do erotica. Hmm. I’ll have to think about this one for a while.

And that’s why you don’t put your underwear on the outside unless you’ve got superpowers.
January 1st, 2013 at 01:46am