Its 2013 ! ♥ ||Haylor Rant(:

Happy New Years everyone! (: Hope 2013 is amazing for you! I hope it will be for me!(:

So the main reason I wanted to post this or whatever is because I wantes to talk about Haylor. A lot of people don't ship then and I'm not going to lie I'm one of those people ):. I have not hate against Taylor. I don't particularly like her but I don't go around say mean things about her.

Her and Harry shared a kiss and a picture got taken now all hell broke lose. Harry has been losing followers because of this and its completely and absolutely ridiculous. A true fan would be happy for him. I respect their relationship and support Harry.

People are being immature about the situation. I hate to break it to you ladies but we have no say what so ever in Harry Styles' relationship. He does what he wants and we can't do anything about it. He doesn't need our approval.

Some fans are complaining because he 'lied' . I wouldn't blame the lad. All the hate that's going around is crazy. I can't say what Taylor Tweeted (Fuck Directioners) is true it doesn't seem like something she would do. And I highly doubt she called Niall an Irish pig and made him cry.

What I don't like about Haylor is that Taylor is taking away all Harry's attention. ): but again these nothing anyone can do.

My heart hurts seeing Haylor but if my curly haired, four nippled, secret lover is happy then so am I ♥

Enough ranting and what not :p be so kind to read my first ever Original story?

Thanks so much. HAPPY NEW YEAR!
January 1st, 2013 at 11:02am