It's time to use this as a learning experience.

You can tell from my last blog that I'm pretty upset, or I was. I've gotten to the point that I'm not angry or anything anymore. I'm just determined now that he's going to realize he really messed up.

Now, that it's 2013 (happy new year, by the way!) and I'm determined to really change myself for the better and make him regret fucking me over. Again.

Physically, I'm going to take better care of myself. My hair and nails are going to stay done, my make-up will always look good, and I'm going to dress nice. No more skank days ever. Along with that I'm going to eat better and exercise to lose the weight I want to lose. I'm going to look better than I ever have.

Emotionally, I'm going to cut myself away from him. We're friends with all the same people, so I can't just not be "friends" with him. I don't want to cause unnecessary tension for our group. Instead, I'm going to stay distant from him. If he tries touching me I'm going to slap his hands away. I'm not going to tutor him. I'm not going to be as warm and friendly as I used to be. I'll be polite, nice, and civil but probably not anything above that. He's shown me that I can't do that.

I already feel so great about this, oh man. I feel better about myself for not being completely devastated over this like I would normally. I'm rising above it, and I feel so glad. I finally feel free. Before, other guys (like this gorgeous football player from my rival school) would flirt with me and I'd kind of resist because well, I thought he and I were going to work on things.

Not now, I'm going to have fun and enjoy the last half of my junior year and my senior year in its entirety.

Also, the girl who stabbed me in the back needs to step off.

Last night I went to my best friend's for her 17th birthday party. I always spend New Years with her because it's her birthday. I have for the past 4 years. I tweeted about it, mentioned Lizzie in it, and the girl who slept with A RETWEETS IT. It has nothing to do with her so I'm like why the fuck would you do that.

I also met three new people last night. Two guys (who I'm assuming were boyfriends) and a girl who was super fun. They all three were just great people and I'm glad to have met them. I tweeted something like "I met some faaaabulous people tonight" and the girl tweets me back like "who did you meet?"

what. what are you doing do you not understand I don't want to talk to you right now. stop.

I'm ready to punch stuff when it comes to her, omg. I just want her to give me space right now.
January 1st, 2013 at 05:37pm