Is this a legit reason to break up with my boyfriend or.

If anyone is actually interested in this read my last blog for actual details ugh I'm not gonna relay it all in this.

He sent me so many fucking pictures from the party.

Then he sent me a picture of him and that fucking girl that was the whole reason I didn't go to the party! Who fucking does that! I'm so pissed off it's not even funny. He didn't text me all last night, he didn't call me and say happy new year when it turned midnight, he didn't do SHIT. He waited until this morning to text me all the pictures. I called him and he didn't answer. What the fuck. You don't do that to someone. I'm literally so done with him. If he doesn't come up with the best apology ever and make up for it and feel genuinely bad about this bullshit, I'm done with him. I don't even care if I'm overreacting. He's so immature. I called Siobhan who was the one throwing the party and she said she didn't see him much but she did see him talking to the girl I hate and a few other people said the same thing.

WHO DOES THAT. Who purposely upsets their girlfriend! A downright asshole that I was obsessed with not long ago. I don't even know if he'll be able to fix this. I'm heated. Omg. Fuck the new year.
January 1st, 2013 at 07:16pm