Day 1.

So I've pretty much decided that I"m going to try to write down my days' events everyday this year. From a recent experience I'm beginning to think that my quite frequent de ja vu isn't just de ja vu. I'll be posting what I can remember from my dreams, from a significant moment of the day, or even if there wansn't anything at all that I could take away, it'll be on here. Here goes it...

Day 1

I woke up tired as hell around 9am next to a wonderful man that I had spent New Years Eve with. I can remember most of what had happened that night, but I won't go into detail. ;)
We made breakfast for his family and ourselves, talked a bit and tried to watch a movie but failed miserably due to our lack of sleep. I later went home, got ready to go out again and went to a family friend's house for our traditional New Years Day dinner. I left earlier than usual because I work early tomorrow, (6am, whoopty frickin doo), and bought a bottle of wine on the way home. After having a glass, I decided to document each day on here very much like a diary.

A few minutes prior to deciding to do this, I wsa IMed by a friend of the forementoined man. We began talking and he said that I seemed to be a good girl and that's what the guy, initialed TK for secutiry purposes, needs this new year. I hope his 6th sense is correct!
January 2nd, 2013 at 03:47am