Because now I feel nostalgic: blog of pictures.

I don't think it's a secret to anyone how much I change my hair color. I was looking through old pictures and I realized I really will miss 2012. I wasn't gonna do any nostalgic blogs but I feel obligated to now.

This obviously isn't in any order but this is a timeline of my hair from late 2011 to 2012, and a few days ago.








I've had so many other colors too lol. The most recent is the red where my hair is all short. I can't wait for it to be long again. I think my favorite was when it was blonde and purpley. I probably have some other pictures of it being the other colors on my profile here but I think those are some of the ones I never posted on here.

I'm planning on keeping it red for a relatively long time, I like it this color a lot. But red is so difficult to keep up because of how quickly it fades, permanent or not.

In other news I'm with Siobhan and haven't stopped bitching about Ryan lol I'm still so pissed at him but I haven't talked to him much today. I think I'm breaking up with him, there's no point in staying in a relationship I'm so miserable in.

Family Guy and Siobhan are making me feel better though. <3
January 2nd, 2013 at 05:45am