Bad Feeling

Ever get that super bad feeling? Like when you like a guy then you kind of get to KNOW him? That feeling goes away and makes you guilty? Yeah I have that feeling.

So about a year ago I met this tall cuteish guy. At first he seemed really cute then I noticed how much less guy he is...bad I know. Another bad thing he goes to different school then me too! We met during Marching Band mingle during football games. I had my friend who goes to the same school as him to get his number for me. Which he did. At first this guy seemed really cool when i've talked him. we never rally hung out just talk on the phone, facebook, texting...etc. For the first two months i'd known him I was giggly then those feelings faded and i feel he's just a friend. I continued talking to him after that. Now here comes the problem. Just recently he's asked me to join this music ensemble. At first I was hesitated(still am) about joining. This semester I really plan on getting better grades since this semester i ended with 3 C's, D, B and A, plus i'm busy with student council along with that. He kind of pressured me into it, but i did tell him I'm still unsure about doing this. In the end I told him I'll try but if i can't handle it I'm quitting which he said was fine.

He added me in a group called P.U.L.S.E. which is the name of the ensemble and as i read the post I kind of realized how religious he is and how the other 8 members are too! Don't get me wrong I have no problem with religion because I am Roman Catholic. but the way they speak is like CHRISTIANITY! Don't get me wrong i have my share of friends who are christian and mormon (sorry if i spelled it wrong!) and i respect that, but i have this thing where talking about religion and saying God Bless and saying parts from the bible totally makes me insane and uncomfortable! But where i grew up, we never were the type who are really hardcore religious we do what semi most families do. Say prayer before dinner, light up candles during holidays(Christmas, Thanksgiving, & Easter) for our past relatives, and go to church every Sunday. We don't push it, but being around these 'hardcore' religious people make really uncomfortable. i honestly thinking of quitting before we start really anything, but what's holding me back is I don't want to make him feel sad or upset...
January 2nd, 2013 at 09:58am