My Hopes. That Aren't Realistic in Any Way.

A new year. An new start, a restart if you will, for many people.
I know many people make resolutions, but I've yet to actually meet someone that has kept to it.
Mine was just to buy an x-Box 360, or have enough money to buy one. How ambitious, right?
But the 720's apparently getting out soon. Should I save up for that? Such hard decisions ahead.
Getting ahead of myself.
I am a hopeless romantic. I dream of meeting a guy, falling in love, a cheesy but romantic proposal, yada yada yada.
But I find myself wondering, does that really happen? And to a girl like me? Who can't cook anything better than spaghetti bolognase, and is the least feminine and most geeky person ever?
I know everyone says, you'll meet your true love, there's plenty of fish in the sea (not really, because of sedimentation) but that doesn't really ring true to me. Not in today's society.
I'm not really sure where all this love angst came from lately. Blame it on being a melodramatic teenager who is surrounded by couples.
So, my hope is that I don't fall prey to the douches in the world that like to toy with a girl's heart, and to buy a x-Box of a varying degree.
Because I'm worth it.
Apparently. Not really sure of that any more.
Also, people are really stupid sometimes.
Rage quit this entry!
January 2nd, 2013 at 10:20am