We could be untouchable.

January 3, 2013
8:43 am

So, I really like Dylan. I think it's because he's so funny and sweet, like, sometimes even the texts he sends me make laugh. He just seems so perfect. He's so much cooler than me, and there are so many cool, talented girls that talk to him. I hope he chooses me, but you never know. I mean, I think he likes me. I guess we'll find out. I am supposed to hang out with him tomorrow night, but I'd really like to see him tonight. I'm praying that he never changes his mind.
Today, I am job hunting. I NEED to get a job so I can start saving up to move to Chicago in less than two years. I want out of this town bad. I can't do anything here, and I want to be somewhere that I have opportunities and where I am able to become something more. So today, I fill out applications everywhere in town.
Oh, we went to a show in Indiana the other night, it was a lot of fun! We made a lot of new friends there, they were all so nice. I mean, the kids at the Sullivan shows are nice, too, but they aren't quite as friendly, if that makes sense. I don't know, it was just a really good time driving there and back with my best friends and good music playing. I wish we could all do stuff like that more often.
Well, off to take a shower and get ready to start the rest of my life.
January 3rd, 2013 at 03:45pm