In regards to TheBeccaBeetlejuice's Stories!

Hey everyone!

It's Becca, as you may know if you are subcribed to any of my newer stories, I'm in a current massive writers block. Some demons that I tried to keep locked up are coming out to haunting me. I'm working on talking to a therapist and getting a new Psyc Evaluation for some Psyc Medication.

I'm also working on updating my stories ASAP! I need a little help, with some ideas and such. Nothing too big, but it would mean a lot if you, as the readers, could read any of my newest stories Trenton Girl, I Care, Revenge Is Sweeter... And tell me what you thing of them. For the Story Revenge Is Sweeter, that is a co-write with my friend, I write the chapters for Lucinda Alvarez.

Tell me if I need to improve or just give your all around opinion on them. Please don't be mean I don't mind you telling me what your thoughts are but if they're super duper mean then I'll report you.

In regards to the story Trenton Girl, that is a side story, I never planned to keep it a full on story but I will if you all like it.

Thanks for your time!
January 3rd, 2013 at 05:47pm