My God, Proof I Have Actual Feelings.

Oh God.
I finally finished The Walking Dead, with Lee and Clementine.
I cried like a bitch.
The last scene with Lee beginning to turn, and Clementine begging him not to turn into a walker.
Oh gosh. I'm tearing up now.
it just made me think, what if I was in that situation? My dad having to be shot, and I'm the one that has to pull the trigger?
Lovely thoughts for an extremely late Saturday night.
Other teens would be partying. I'm crying over a fictional character.
Death isn't a pretty thing. I've seen it up close and it's terrifying.
The thought of it scares me. Whether it's by a slow sickness or a fast accident, I admit, I wouldn't want to go.
Like David Tennant.
But confronted with that scenario, imagining that I'm pointing a gun at my dad, who's beginning to turn? I broke down.
If I had to do what Clementine did, which was extremely brave for a girl of nine years, I would be extremely inconsolable. At the very least.
I suppose it's all in the mind. Or mind palace.
I would like to think that I would be useful in a zombie apocalypse, but once someone close to me died, I would probably be out of it.
This all came on from a sad moment in a game.
Don't judge me! I'm a girl, I have ovaries! I can cry at this sort if stuff if I want to!
(Sadly) rage quit this entry!
January 5th, 2013 at 02:51pm