Happiness Is Everything

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I know I should be turning this into a poem somehow, but my mind is cascading with these thoughts ever since I moved to the city just a few short days ago. Don't get me wrong, I like it here, but there's just something that I cannot hold in me any longer, so I just felt like I'd use this blog entry as an outlet for all these troubling thoughts.

I've lived in the rural area for at least ten years now, and the people from there contrast differently than the ones in the city. Both have pros and cons. I just feel like watching people here in the city, that some people are out to impress someone. It's so weird because I feel like I don't fit that mind set at all. I feel as if people are so overdressed, and so into themselves, and so trying to be something that doesn't seem genuine or believable. It's almost upsetting in a way.
If I could compare it to something, it's like walking into an apartment or house, and seeing furniture that is too modernized, and not cozy or roomy at all.
I've dreamed for a while about coming to the city, now here I am (for school at least), and I'm making a promise to myself that I would always stay true to myself, and not change my persona, or appearance for anybody. I refuse to compromise my integrity just to follow a trend like all the other sheep do. I would not be happy with myself.
In the end I hope people take a good message from this blog and just be themselves, and be comfortable with who they are, and not compromise their happiness for society.
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This week I also have been on prowl in the poetry section posting not one, not two, but seven glorious works of art for those who would like to take a gander at any of them. All are lyrical pieces with the exception of "Behind a Sunrise".

Perfect Storm
Sound Asleep
Don't Let Me Feel Comfortable
Behind a Sunrise
Molten Lava

Thanks for reading, leave a comment if you have something to say or add. I do enjoy reading/listening to the opinions of others.
January 6th, 2013 at 02:31am