Writers: We're People Too

I get a lot of hell for what I write. I don't always post everything on here, but every other Friday, I have what is called a "Free Write" due in English. Those are exactly how they sound, you write freely, whatever you'd like as long as you keep it semi appropriate. I often write about people though, even in some of my original fictions, I write about the people around me and occasionally get hell for it, but we're writers here, we write about everything. And now I suddenly have this amazing idea for an original fan fiction, but parts of it are based off of a group of my friends from school. Writing gets me through things and it's what I do. It is honestly what I do and even when people are mad about it, it's just going to be what I do. Musicians can write about anything and they don't get hell, but you know, a writer comes out with an exposé about someone and suddenly we're horrible people...
January 6th, 2013 at 04:18am