Late Night Entry

So its 3:10am and I've yet to get a bit tired. I don't even know why I'm making this entry this early in the morning. I feel like no one is on at the moment in the blog section.

Recently, I've been seeing a lot of people on facebook linking their instagram to it. I don't quite understand that site. I know you take photos and add filters to them but is it a blog for just photos. Something like Tumblr but minus the fangirling of Tom Hiddleston ehehehe. I downloaded it on my phone tonight and decided to give it a try even though I probably won't even use it at all. Joked around with my friend and told him I'll be a hipster and post pictures of my food. For example, "Mmmm look at this food #macncheseb**ch" Not funny? Okay. My friend thought it was.

Anyway, I'm going to heat up some chinese food or something cause I'm hungry and maybe food will help me fall asleep. Maybe not. We'll see though.
January 6th, 2013 at 09:22am