Stop Pestering Me About It

About a few weeks ago a friend of mine messaged me on Facebook, mind you she hasn't messaged first nor actually spoken to me in awhile. For example, I text her and she never replies and she tells me she wants to hang out during last summer and she never asks me to hang out. She pretty much ignored me and some other friends since summer and only messages us when she needs us to do something for her. Anyway, she messages me the other day asking if I could make her a small poster size collage of pictures of her and her boyfriend with song lyrics going on it. Now I'm in college majoring in graphic design so out of our friend group I'm the only one probably good at photoshop and all that other stuff.

Me being me, I tell her sure because I'm a nice person and can never seem to say no because I'll feel bad in the end. So since then she messages me every minute she gets asking how is it coming, or is it almost done. One thing I hate when I make or write things for friends is being pester almost 5 times a day if I'm done or am I working on it at that moment. I have other things to do in my life. Yes, I may sit on my a** all day blogging and watching tv but I do have things to do like write, make gifs for my tumblr blog or just playing a game to relax.

I don't want to be rude and tell her to chill the f*** out and stop asking me about it 5 times a day but it gets really annoying after awhile because thats the only thing she messages me for. She asks me how's the collage coming and then I say good and try to continue the conversation but she never replies back.

Now I'm going to end this entry and go downstairs to get myself some angel food cake and then change my blog layout again to something different because I don't like the way it looks at the moment.
January 7th, 2013 at 06:38am