My Adventures Playing Far Cry 3, Likes and Dislikes

I started playing Far Cry 3 and it's pretty good, possibly one of my favorite games. It's a first person shooter about a guy named Jason who goes on an island vacation with his friends and brothers. but they end getting kidnapped by pirates. Jason escapes and now has to try to save his friends and his brother before they get sold into slavery.
My favorite things about the game are:
It's all open-world and it's a HUGE island. I love open-world games especially Bethesda's Elder Scrolls' and Fallout games.
You can drive cars, armored vehicles, ATV's, boats, and you can even jump off cliffs on hang gliders.
You can hunt and skin a variety of animals that roam freely around the island including: deer, tigers, komodo dragons, dingos, bears and sharks! (I still haven't gotten up the courage to face a shark yet. I don't like swimming in games. It freaks me out.)
There are a lot of different types of guns. If you can find it in Call of Duty or Battlefield, you can pretty much find it here. My favorite weapons are the bow and a silenced sniper rifle. I like stealth. I carry an AK47 just in case, but I don't like to use it.
The voice acting is awesome and so are the graphics. The island is beautiful and lush and don't even get me started on the fire and water graphics.
The bad points are few, but I wish there was more loot to pick up. There are lots of chests, but nothing is useable other than ammunition and health. Everything else is junk and useful only for selling.

Now I'll tell a little story of my time playing Far Cry 3

It was getting dark out. I was inside a little hut searching for loot when I heard a noise outside. It sounded like a bear growling. I walked outside slowly. I had my bow ready. There were broken cars all over. I walked forward a little bit. Then I heard it running and growling and it attacked me from behind. The bear ran me down and killed me.
When I reloaded the game it was still there, so I started running down the road. I could've shot it, but it was too close range and it would've killed me before I killed it. So I ran down the road until I got to a big truck and I jumped inside. I started the vehicle, the headlights came on, and the bear ran away into the trees. I'm usually a forgiving person, but this time I chased it. I swerved through the trees after it until I eventually rammed it's giant furry ass. It died. I drove back onto the dirt road never bothered by that bear again.
Later on down the road, I parked the truck by another little hut. I jumped out, slammed the door, and then I heard hissing. I thought it was a snake, but then a hoard of komodo dragons came out of nowhere and murdered me.
The komodo dragons took my skin and used it to craft a bigger wallet.
The End.

Question: Would you rather be attacked by a komodo dragon or a bear?
January 7th, 2013 at 07:54am