I'll read anything. Give me your stories, I'll read, save me from this boredom!

So, seriously, do people still do comment swaps on here? Whatever, I'm going to anyway. Because for the first time in well over a year, I want to wh*re my own stuff out.

Right to Choose is something I started late 2011, I think, and then forgot about. For a long time. But, now, I have no life since I finish work at 10am. It's leading to creativity and an excess abundant of energy. So I'm writing this... rubbish, in a sense, and exercising. A lot.

Moving on though, it's a story, it's going to go somewhere eventually, I do have a plan. I swear I do! I just hope it's not totally obvious where I'm going with it.

There might be a little girl on girl loving in there, but, y'know, I can't help myself sometimes.

And, of course, since I have all this awful free time, if you want a comment, God knows I'll do it. Hell, I'll probably do it tonight.

I tried the comment swap feature over on stories a couple of weeks ago, posted three comments, got zero back, so I've kind of given up on that.

And here we are.

So yes, if you're delightfully bored, please, read my lameo story?

I'm not calling it lame in an attempt to get positive feedback either, I call everything lame these days.

Like it, hate it, any concrit, I'm all for it. I haven't done this in a very long time. I need all the help I can get.

So yeah.

Let's swap?

Upon a hill across a blue lake, that's where I had my first heartbreak.
January 7th, 2013 at 10:08am