geddit, geddit? It sounds like i'm saying "hello y'all" but in southern accent speak, ha ha ha.

Sorry for that I'll stop.

But help me, I went to Dallas over the weekend and heard her song I Knew You Were Trouble only about 123,456,789 times (true story) on the radio, so needless to say, just like that Never Ever Ever Getting Back Together ((WeeeEEEE)), it's stuck in my hand. And once again, I downloaded the song off of itunes. Which, by the way brings my Taylor Swift Itunes collection up to two song ( h e l p m e)

This always happens to me. Always. I get a song stuck in my head and then it's in my head for weeks. Life. Complicated.

So in other news I spilled soda (accidentally, ok?) on my laptop and now the keyboard if fucked up bad. Like every time I press the command button it minimizes the window I'm typing in. Now to further show you the affects of the soda I will type a sentence first on this shitty wireless keyboard I'm using right now, then the sentence again with the keys on my lap top:

Hi my name is Hannah and I am perfect and I love all things perfect.
Hi by nabe is hannah and ia ab p0-;erfectu and i love all thingjs p-;erfect.

It's scary I know. And keyboard I'm using now has a shitty spacebar and enter key like I have to press spacesohardsoitsdoesntdothis shit.

Life ugh.

In other news again, I kind of want to do this question thing everyone is doing so ask me questions please. Is that too much to ask for a girl with bad luck with computers?

Thought not.
January 9th, 2013 at 04:24am